Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Posed in thought the former beauty queen cum Barnacle Barbie gives thanks. Her inward beauty is shining brightly and Thank God, so is the sun! "It's GOOD to be HOME"

The Doodah Dolphin

The Great Doodah Dolphin is Queen of the sea. She comes to Barnacle Barbie to pay her respects and to nuzzle and smooch and to eat fish. They are like 2 peas in a pod. They are both of good character and nature and they can both carry a tuna.

Sweet Sea Turtle

Sweet Sea Turtle can fly like the wind. Her great flippers are like wings and our shellshocked Barnacle Barbie has the most FUN she's had in TWO months. They discover more common traits. Sometimes such an adventure changes a body inside and out! Barbie has now eaten her share of algea and both she and Sweet Sea now carry crustaceans on their backs. "A load shared is half the burdon".

Nothing Fishy!

Tuesday morning Little Nemo shows up to find he and his old pal Barnacle Barbie have more in common than EVER! That's right, aside from the shorter fins, they are survivors and they have both travelled halfway around the world and back! Nothing fishy about that!

HELLO Robber Ducky!

Having heard from a little birdie that Barnacle Barbie actually *is* alive, that ol' scallywag Robber Ducky has dropped in to catch up on old times and have a laugh or two. He is nonplussed by Barnacle Barbie's shorter arms, but then, "more like wings" he says, "and now you can't poke my eyes out", quack!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

BB and Rusty RELAX!

Barbie, (stretching) sighs, basking, finally relaxing into the groove.

Barnacle Barbie has lost a month!

"Look at that view! It's gorgous! It looks so different from here!" Banacle Barbie says, "I see clouds gathering in the distance, a summer squall forming perhaps?"
"What do you MEAN it's October! That was one heckuva storm wasn't it?"
Rusty responds, "yes, they are calling it Ivan the Terrible, but you BB, you made it back, you give us hope that we shall all be together again one fine day!"